Your Self-Story is a narrative you create about yourself that is based on what you feel is the most true, and hidden about you. 

Self-Story is not rational, nor objective. Self-Story is the story of your idea of you.

Creating your Self -Story requires artful thinking as it is a sensual process that admits your recurrent inclinations, your contradictions, your ironies and your paradoxes. 

Knowing yourself is emotional and metaphoric. It is made up of your long-term patterns of what’s inside you. 

How Me Am I is about knowing yourself in the most particular and insightful ways. 

We call it a Self-Story.

Your “I” does not have to be totally factual, but it has to be totally true.

When Bob Dylan was asked where he was born he could have answered truthfully, Duluth, MN. Instead, he answered, “I was born very far away from where I was supposed to be born. I’m always on my way home.” That’s the primary idea of his Self-Story. He’s a seeker. 

Self-Story sets you free and provides you an anchor. 

It brings forward your genuine being. 

It keeps you vital. 

It keeps you alive.

“The depth of your feelings is the size of your life.”

“Everybody has a cover story, and the cover story is a lie. Self story is you. Real and raw.”

“Living means keeping alive what’s inside of you.”

The Book

The Authors